Dive down deep into the amazing world of penguins to find out how they swim, feed and travel across land. Then follow a penguin chick from the very start of its life, to the time it can take care of itself.
This story is explain of penguins. They are nearly twenty different kinds of penguins. Emperor penguins are the biggest. Fairy penguins are the smallest. Chinstrap penguins have a black stripe on their chin. Yellow-eyed penguins have yellow eyes. Rockhopper penguins have a feathery yellow crest on their heads. different kinds of penguins bodies and a feature anything else. Also, different to grow an egg. Penguins are interesting.
shape: 形
feather: 羽毛
stumpy: 切り株だらけの
flippers: ひれ足
plop: ポチャン
creature: 生き物
gulp: ~をぐっと飲む
surface: 表面
waddle: よたよた歩く
bray: 耳障りな音
fluffy: ふわふわした
170 words
This story is explain of penguins. >>
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