Last saturday, I participate in Izakaya daisakasu. This is gather the administrative divisions of Japan. It's very interesting, Also, it is very tired. Because about eight hours I had to stand all the way.
34 words
Dive down deep into the amazing world of penguins to find out how they swim, feed and travel across land. Then follow a penguin chick from the very start of its life, to the time it can take care of itself.
This story is explain of penguins. They are nearly twenty different kinds of penguins. Emperor penguins are the biggest. Fairy penguins are the smallest. Chinstrap penguins have a black stripe on their chin. Yellow-eyed penguins have yellow eyes. Rockhopper penguins have a feathery yellow crest on their heads. different kinds of penguins bodies and a feature anything else. Also, different to grow an egg. Penguins are interesting.
shape: 形
feather: 羽毛
stumpy: 切り株だらけの
flippers: ひれ足
plop: ポチャン
creature: 生き物
gulp: ~をぐっと飲む
surface: 表面
waddle: よたよた歩く
bray: 耳障りな音
fluffy: ふわふわした
170 words
The Mouse's Wedding
Father Mouse wants his daughter to marry the most powerful husband in the world. But Miss Mouse has her own ideas in this delightful folktale from Japan.This story is famous of Japanese children. One day, father mouse said 「It's time you got married.」 Then they are looking for bridegroom. A prospective bridegroom was the sun, a cloud, the wind, a wall and a handsome young mouse. Of course Miss daughter chose a handsome young mouse.
goodness: 良いこと
warmth: 暖かいこと
resting: 休んでいる 休憩
crumbs: (驚きを表して)おや
mice: mouseの複数形
nibbling: ひとかじり
suppose: 思う 仮定
In that case: その場合には
134 words
The Lion and the Mouse
It's tough in the wild, whether you're a tiny mouse or a big, scary lion. But friends can be found in the strangest of places.
The Lion and the Mouse is one of Aesop's Fables, a collection of stories first told in Ancient Greece around 4000 years ago. The stories always have a "moral" (a message or lesson) at the end.
This story is interesting. This book is printed puzzle in the book.
asleep: 眠っている
tickled: 刺激する
dare: あえて、、、する
beg: 頼む、請う
nibble: 少しずつかじる
107 words
The Dinosaur Who Lost His ROAR
Sid enjoys scaring the other dinosaurs with his mighty roar. They don't find it so funny. But what would happen if Sid ever lost his voice? He's about to find out.
This story of main character is Sid. Sid is a tomboyish. Also, He like mischief. So, Sid enjoys scaring the other dinosaurs all the time. One day, Sid was catch a cold and lost voice. he was cured after a few days. However, in those days other dinosaur was caught by Rex. Rex is huge dinosaur. But Sid was mighty roar Rex. Then Rex surprised and ran away. Fortunately, other dinosaurs were saved.
creep up:徐々に
throat hurt:喉が痛い
tiptoe away:そそくさと去る
177 words
The Hare and the Tortoise
Harry Hare loves running-and he loves talking about it too. When he suggests a race, nobody expects Tom Tortoise to take up the challenge. Does Tome really think be can beat the fastest hare in history?
boast: 自慢する
creature: 生き物、動物
plod: とぼとぼ歩く
perhaps: ことによると、ひょっとしたら
amble: 緩やかな足どり
umpire: 審判員
nap: 昼寝
meanwhile: その間に
138 words
The Fairground Ghost
You expect to find ghosts on a ghost train. But the ghost Jake Hubbard meets is not like other ghosts.
This story is interesting and a little moving story. Jake and little ghost were poor. Because, Jake was shook by everybody. Also, ghost was hated by ghost train owner. But they are got friendly. So, a little moving.
piles of: 山のような
made a face: しかめっ面
glare: 睨みつけるlook up: 見上げる
fairground: 催し
blare: 鳴り響く
Yuck: げぇー(ひどい不快を表す)
aboard: 乗って
lurch: 急に傾く
coffin: 棺
gasp: はっと息をのむ
terrified: ゾッとする
132 words
Little Red Riding Hood
"Remember the rules of the woods," says Mrs. Red Riding Hood. "Keep to the path and DON'T TALK TO WOLVES!" But Little Red Riding Hood forgets the rules and now she must outwit the wolf.

cloak: マント
tweet: さえずり
shoelace: 靴ひも
path: 小道
tail: 尾
paw: 哺乳動物の足、手
revolting: 反乱を起こす
tummy: ぽんぽん、おなか
hairy: 毛むくじゃらの
pick up: 回復する
139 words
Stories of Pirates

At that moment, the fog cleared as quickly as it had sprung up.
The captain recognized it at once.
Taking a flying leap, he landed on the pirate.
This story is three pirates stroy. First story is pesky parrot. Second is Captain Spike. Finally is Masked pirate story. There are very interesting. Also, many appear wise person.
sneer: あざ笑う
steer: 運転する, 操縦する
sneaky: 卑劣な
plank: 厚板
thud: ドスンと落ちる
sprung up: 生じた、現れた
bloodthirsty: 血に飢えた、残虐な
exhausted: 疲れきった
112 words
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