
The Fairground Ghost

You expect to find ghosts on a ghost train. But the ghost Jake Hubbard meets is not like other ghosts.

  This story is interesting and a little moving story. Jake and little ghost were poor. Because, Jake was shook by everybody. Also, ghost was hated by ghost train owner. But they are got friendly. So, a little moving.

 piles of: 山のような
 made a face: しかめっ面
 glare: 睨みつける
 look up: 見上げる
 fairground: 催し
 blare: 鳴り響く
 Yuck: げぇー(ひどい不快を表す)
 aboard: 乗って
 lurch: 急に傾く
 coffin: 棺
 gasp: はっと息をのむ
 terrified: ゾッとする

 132 words

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